Frequently Asked Questions

Why does Plano need This Side UP! Family?
Families today are struggling just to survive. Social, economic and time pressures have robbed parents of the ability to slow down and invest the time needed to create healthy relationships with each other and their children. This missing foundation of “intentional quality” family time has huge implications for children, marriages and the community at large. In just the past 30 years, the divorce rate has more than doubled, teenage suicide has increased almost 300%, illegitimate birth rates have increased more than 400%, and ¼ of all adolescents contract an STD before they graduate from high school*.

There is hope! At This Side UP! Family, we believe that every family can move from barely surviving to having a thriving family life with thought, care and action. In thriving families parents take an active role in the family’s well-being and seek the know-how to deal with what each stage of life brings. Thriving families spend time together, affirming each other and giving back to their communities, establishing a firm foundation of happiness and success that impacts future generations. Parenting, marriage and family time can (and should) be PROACTIVE — and tons of FUN!!! Embracing this concept will truly change the life of your family! If enough families take this seriously, the community and then the world will be changed!!! 

What are the core elements of This Side UP! Family?
Mission Statement: Moving Families from Surviving to THRIVING!
Core Values: Provide Affordable Fun, Cultivate Strong Relationships, Encourage Diverse Community, Equip Families, and Champion Family Values.
Core Programs: FREE Family Connection Nights with at-home Values Training Tools, Parenting Education, Marriage Enrichment and Single Parent Support. 

What would I see at a This Side UP! Family activity?
• A family laughing, connecting and deepening their family bond while attending a 2nd/4th Saturday FREE Family Connection Night.
• A married couple’s relationship being salvaged and deepened through our 3rd Saturday “I Date My Spouse!” Marriage Enrichment Program.
• A single parent who was lonely and discouraged who is now supported and rejuvenated through our Single Side UP! group.
• A parent who WAS exasperated and ready to throw in the towel who is leaving revived and equipped to dive into parenting his/her children from attending a Parent Ed Night.
• Single Parents and their kids attending a Clothing Giveaway and receiving FREE clothing that meets their physical needs and also builds confidence and success.
• Families receiving At-Home Family Values tools to deepen their relationships at home.
• A dad and his kids who have become dedicated volunteers.  They are serving to give back to a place that reminded him of the importance of slowing down and investing in the character development of his family!

How many people did you serve in 2015?
In 2015, we focused on increasing family participation in our Core Programs: Family Connection Nights; Marriage Enrichment; Parenting Education; Single Parent Support Program, and deepening our relationships with the families who attend. We had over 3,200 people participating in our Core Programs, resulting in significant % increases in program attendance for 2015! We continue to hear amazing reports of stronger family relationships, single parents who have been rejuvenated and inspired, increased parent/child connection, revived marriages and more!

How are you staffed?
This Side UP! Family is currently meeting family strengthening needs with one part-time Programs/Operations Manager and a Founder/Director on our payroll, plus MANY PASSIONATE VOLUNTEERS! 2015 will exceed 3,000 Volunteer Hours! We are very grateful for the support of the community! 

How can our community support This Side UP! Family?
We are in need of Money, Gifts and Time!
MONEY. Make a tax-deductible one-time gift or become a Monthly Supporter! For businesses, become a SPONSOR! (Click HERE)
GIFTS. Bring in NEW $1 toys/prizes for our Bingo Nights and Community Nights. (for a longer Wish List. Click HERE)
TIME. Volunteer individually, with a group or as a family to serve at a 2nd/4th Saturday Family Connection Night or at a special event. 

What are others saying about This Side UP! Family?
• This center has made a huge positive impact on our community. Thanks for helping families be stronger with such enriching activities! AshleyH
• This Side Up has tremendously helped me as a single mom. Connecting with other single parents where we are able to talk about our struggles, and triumphs and successes. Smilesslt
• This Side Up! offers a truly unique family experience each & every month. We have been blessed by their efforts time and time again. HMartin
• I love what This Side Up! is doing to enhance the family spirit! bs1583
• I LOOOOVE all the events! I love it when my mom takes me here! (I’m 12). Shannon
*(You can find more testimonies on our website or Facebook page, too!)


Taking families SURVIVING to THRIVING!