1890 K Avenue #200
Plano, TX 75074
Single Side Up! meets every odd month on 3rd Saturday (with childcare on site) AND on even months we offer 3rd Saturday childcare for you to enjoy a Single Parent’s Night Out.
Enjoy your Single Parent’s Night Out! Childcare pre-registration is needed to ensure space. Space is limited in our Newborn-Pre-K rooms, so sign up early to ensure your spot. There is no Single Side UP! Meeting in September.
REGISTRATION for childcare and starts at 12:01am on the first of each month! Click HERE to register for September childcare.
* Single parenting has many challenges. Connecting with other single parents is important to both your parenting success & your personal well-being! From group meetings to nights out on your own to clothing giveaways and more, SSU is here to equip and encourage you on your single parenting journey!!!