Introducing… 3rd Saturday PARENTS’ NIGHT OUT at This Side UP! Family Center.
While we have been offering 3rd Saturday childcare for some time now, it has come to our attention that people thought this was only available for those who have received a gift card through the “I Date My Spouse” Program or for single parents attending our Single Side UP! Group. That’s NOT the case! So we’ve given it a more official, tried and true name: PARENTS NIGHT OUT!
PNO Childcare is open to all parents and kids!!! Kids… ages 0 through 13 years (14 and up can contact us about volunteering). Space is limited in the 0-3 year old area, so sign up early to ensure your spot. We need to know the ages of all kids so that we staff our volunteers well, too!
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED and starts at 12:01am on the first of each month! Every 3rd Saturday from 6-9pm. We get to have a blast with your kids while you enjoy a Night Out!
Click HERE to register childcare NOW for the February Parents’ Night Out!