Homeschool St. Patrick’s Day Party, Noon to 2pm

March 15, 2012 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
This Side Up Family Center

Homeschool St. Patrick’s Day Party at This Side Up in Plano on Thursday, March 15th from noon-2pm!

Fun for all ages with Minute to Win games, St. Patrick’s Day Dress Up Photo Booth, & more! Wear your Green & bring your friends as we learn more about St. Patrick’s Day while having a party!

$5 per child, pay at the door. Mom’s can hang out & chat it up with other homeschool moms or take your younger kids into our on site nursery to play while your older kids are having fun! We’ll have our $1 cafe open for drinks & snacks.

For questions email: for directions visit We move families from surviving to thriving! Like us on facebook to follow family fun events or follow us on Twitter @ThisSideUpFam.