Every 4th Saturday night from 6-8pm, enjoy Saturday Night Thrive. Come in for a FUN evening plus connect as a family over the value of the month and go home with an At-Home Family Values Tool, too! $10/family suggested donation. Gifts and prizes each night, too!
Tonight’s event: FREE MOVIE NIGHT: Race to Nowhere, PG-13
Presented by Academic Life Coaching of North Texas
Pre-Register HERE for reserved seating (includes FREE popcorn) and to be eligible for GREAT prizes!
Race to Nowhere is a film that focuses on the current achievement culture found in American schools. A concerned mother turned filmmaker aims her camera at the high-stakes, high-pressure culture that has invaded our schools and our children’s lives. The film points to the silent epidemic in our schools: cheating has become commonplace; students are disengaged; stress-related illness and depression are rampant; and many young people arrive at college and the workplace unprepared and uninspired. Race to Nowhere is a call to action for families, educators, and policy makers to challenge current assumptions on how to best prepare the youth of America to become healthy, bright, contributing and leading citizens.
Following the film, Academic Life Coaching will offer a short panel discussion with local education and family experts. They will present TERRIFIC ideas and practical tips on how to combat the achievement culture. You will benefit from addressing this tough topic! As you dive into this school year, this Movie Night will move your family from surviving to THRIVING and lead you towards making it a true SUCCESS!
(Bring your own dinner or purchase snacks/drinks from our $1 Café. Childcare available by reservation for kids ages 0-12 years.)