9am to 5pm Afterschool Program M-F (June and July)
9am to 5pm Afterschool Program M-F (June and July)
9am to 5pm Afterschool Program M-F (June and July)
9am to 5pm Afterschool Program M-F (June and July)
9am to 5pm Afterschool Program M-F (June and July)
9am to 5pm Afterschool Program M-F (June and July)
9am to 5pm Afterschool Program M-F (June and July)
9am to 5pm Afterschool Program M-F (June and July)
9am to 5pm Afterschool Program M-F (June and July)
9am to 5pm Afterschool Program M-F (June and July)
9am to 5pm Afterschool Program M-F (June and July)
9am to 5pm Afterschool Program M-F (June and July)
9am to 5pm Afterschool Program M-F (June and July)
9am to 5pm Afterschool Program M-F (June and July)
9am to 5pm Afterschool Program M-F (June and July)
9am to 5pm Afterschool Program M-F (June and July)
Please join us at MooYAH at 7000 Independence Parkway, Plano 75025. A portion of your meal will benefit This Side UP!
9am to 5pm Afterschool Program M-F (June and July)
9am to 5pm Afterschool Program M-F (June and July)
9am to 5pm Afterschool Program M-F (June and July)
9am to 5pm Afterschool Program M-F (June and July)
9am to 5pm Afterschool Program M-F (June and July)
Lucky Duck Duck Race – Benefiting This Side Up! Family Center
Adopt a duck for just $5 and you could WIN $1000 in our Lucky Duck-Duck Race!
Go QUACKERS for strengthening families in our community! Buy rubber ducks to raise funds for This Side Up! Family Center, a local non-profit whose mission is to move families from surviving to THRIVING through at-home values training tools, family connection opportunities and parenting education. Buy ducks at our location, online, or at one of our Family Connection Events.
Enjoy a FREE Family Splash Fest with Prizes, Food, Swimming, Games and more!
Cheer on your duck! We’ll launch them into the pool and the one who crosses the finish line first WINS $1000! Top 10 ducks WIN A PRIZE too!
Saturday July 28, 2012, 9:30-Noon
Tom Muehlenbeck Aquatic Center, 5801 W. Parker Rd. Plano, Texas 75093
Click on the flyer for more information –> Duck Race Flier
9am to 5pm Afterschool Program M-F (June and July)
9am to 5pm Afterschool Program M-F (June and July)
Sunday, 8/5 3-5pm
Bowling to Benefit hosted by Legacy Lifegroups
At Strikz in Frisco
$12/bowler. Registration link above.
Come on out for a FUN family time of bowling as we encourage and support This Side UP! Family Center in their quest for a $30,000 Liberty Mutual Grant (through text and FB votes!)
Click to confirm and pay… https://www.wepay.com/events/
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
Every 4th Saturday night from 6-8pm, enjoy Saturday Night Thrive. Come in for a FUN evening plus connect as a family over the value of the month and go home with an At-Home Family Values Tool, too! $10/family suggested donation. Gifts and prizes each night, too!
Tonight’s event: FREE MOVIE NIGHT: Race to Nowhere, PG-13
Presented by Academic Life Coaching of North Texas
Pre-Register HERE for reserved seating (includes FREE popcorn) and to be eligible for GREAT prizes!
Race to Nowhere is a film that focuses on the current achievement culture found in American schools. A concerned mother turned filmmaker aims her camera at the high-stakes, high-pressure culture that has invaded our schools and our children’s lives. The film points to the silent epidemic in our schools: cheating has become commonplace; students are disengaged; stress-related illness and depression are rampant; and many young people arrive at college and the workplace unprepared and uninspired. Race to Nowhere is a call to action for families, educators, and policy makers to challenge current assumptions on how to best prepare the youth of America to become healthy, bright, contributing and leading citizens.
Following the film, Academic Life Coaching will offer a short panel discussion with local education and family experts. They will present TERRIFIC ideas and practical tips on how to combat the achievement culture. You will benefit from addressing this tough topic! As you dive into this school year, this Movie Night will move your family from surviving to THRIVING and lead you towards making it a true SUCCESS!
(Bring your own dinner or purchase snacks/drinks from our $1 Café. Childcare available by reservation for kids ages 0-12 years.)
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
Homeschool… Preschool… In School… Parents RULE!
Join us for… T.G.I.F. Community Hang-Out Days!
Whichever of these three parenting groups (above) that YOU (or your organization) fit into… at This Side Up! Family Center we know arriving at Friday is something to CELEBRATE! So, join us this Fall for TGIF Community Hang-Out Days @ This Side UP! Family Center!!! *Every Second Friday. 10/12, 11/9, 12/14. 10am-2pm. FREE. FREE. FREE.
The entire Center – from the Big Room to all surrounding rooms – are available for YOU! Whether your group wants to bring the kids and hang in our Childcare Room or let them have fun at our Ping-Pong and Foosball Tables OR You’d like Mom-Time to veg on the couches in our comfy Window Room by yourself or with friends OR you want to reserve a spot for a Cropping/Crafting Time, we are OPEN AND FREE for all of this and more!
Call ahead and reserve a specific area OR just come on over to do WHATEVER! We’ll have the coffee and the TGIF time waiting!
(Feel free to bring in your own food OR purchase snacks/drinks from our $1 café.)
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”
3-7pm Margaret’s Treehouse Afterschool Program M-F through May
For more information —> www.margaretstreehouse.org
“This event is not planned or led by This Side UP! Family Center but is still open to the public and we encourage you to attend!”