At-Home Family Connection Brownie Box Challenge!

Round LogoBrownie Box Challenge!
Make a Difference as a Family!

Pick some time between now and 7/11 to accept and complete the Brownie Box Challenge as a Family!

Here is how it works:

  1. Make a list of people who bless/serve your family and our community
  2. Pick one to make/take brownies to and write a thank you note to them, involving the whole family
  3. Do not stress, have fun as a family, and take pictures
  4. Send your pictures and scoop on who you honored to or post it on the TSUF Facebook page by 11:59 pm on July 11th
  5. A gift/surprise awaits all who participate (you will receive it on Tuesday, 7/12)!!

Check out the pictures from a family who participated last year!

BBC pic

Family Time Matters!
Thank you for participating in this purposeful challenge to increase Family Time in your home and to serve our community!

Brownie Box Challenge 2015 Half

Check out our calendar for other family focus programs this summer, like our Lucky Duck Race on July 23rd!  You will find us at various terrific community locations each month!